Matthew Bean

Hello, my name is Matt, and I am a front end developer. I enjoy creating things.

space shooters


Galactor is a web based, retro inspired video game that uses the phaser 3 framework. It takes inspiration from games such as Galaga and Astroids and uses web technologies such as Webpack and Babel.

Jeopardy Maker

This is a game board based on the popular TV show Jeopardy. It allows the user to create, save, and play this classic game show.

woman at board game
woman reading


Tread is a full-featured social media app that allows users to read books and interact with each other through comments and replies. Users are able to follow each other and see what their friends think about certain sections of what they are reading.

Imgur Reloaded

This application allows users to browse the popular image hosting site, Imgur, with a brand-new design.

picture folder


Hello, my name is Matthew Bean, and I'm a front end developer. I love to create awesome things with web Technologies and would love to work on your next big project with you. I live in the greater Sacramento area in California, but am willing to help you wherever you are. Please feel free to browse below to see what skills I am proficient in and if you feel like I am a good fit, you can contact me with the form below.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

I have extensive knowledge and experience working with these three building blocks of webpages.


If you are building a highly interactive web application, React may be a good fit. I have experience using both class and functional components within React as well as using advanced features such as hooks.

Responsive Design

Let me make sure that your project looks great on any screen. Whether on a phone or desktop, I can make your next project look great.

Modern Technologies

I have experience with most modern technologies including git, Webpack, and SASS.


Modern web applications need to be accessible. I have extensive experience refactoring and creating applications that are accessible to people with all levels of ability.

Back End Services

Does your project need server-side services such as a database or an e-mail mailing list? Allow me to bring these services to your next project.